Nonton Bioskop: Resident Evil: Death Island (2023)

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Resident Evil: Death Island (2023)

Year: 2023Duration: 91 MinView: 348 views
IMDB Rate: 78 votes, average 8.9 out of 10

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In San Francisco, Jill Valentine is dealing with a zombie outbreak and a new T-Virus, Leon Kennedy is on the trail of a kidnapped DARPA scientist, and Claire Redfield is investigating a monstrous fish that is killing whales in the bay. Joined by Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers, they discover the trail of clues from their separate cases all converge on the same location, Alcatraz Island, where a new evil has taken residence and awaits their arrival.

Tagline:Destinies intertwined. A world gone mad.
Revenue:$ 53.929,00
Director:Eiichirō Hasumi
Cast:Alejandro Saab, Bill Butts, Bob Carter, Cristina Valenzuela, Daman Mills, Erin Cahill, Frank Todaro, Isaac Robinson-Smith, Kevin Dorman, Lucien Dodge, Matthew Mercer, Nicole Tompkins, Salli Saffioti, Stephanie Panisello

Trailer film Resident Evil: Death Island (2023)