Bioskop Series Dawson’s Creek Season 6 Episode 13

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Dawson’s Creek Season 6 Episode 13

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IMDB Rating: 43 votes, average 7.0 out of 10

In Los Angeles, while directing re-shoots on “Wicked Dead”, Dawson finds his authority questioned by Heather Tracey and the other producers when Natasha refuses to do a nude scene. As a result, Dawson adopts an aggressive take-no-prisoners attitude, similar to the one that Todd has, to take control of the situation. In Boston, Joey is unable to say good-bye to Eddie who is moving to California to register at a college when she convinces him to help her take Audrey to a rehab clinic in Los Angeles, and the three of them, plus a guy Audrey picks up, drive cross country where the four constantly quarrel with each other. Also, Jen and C.J. set a lonely Grams up with C.J.’s Uncle Bill, who turns out to be quite randy.