Bioskop Series Dawson’s Creek Season 5 Episode 18

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Dawson’s Creek Season 5 Episode 18

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IMDB Rating: 40 votes, average 7.0 out of 10

Oliver tells Dawson he’s arranged a screening for their movie, which is yet to be finished. Dawson freaks out, but Joey comforts him saying the movie is brilliant. Everybody attends to the screening and solve their conflicts while waiting for it to start. Dawson meets a handful woman, and after exchanging insults she reveals herself to be Amy Lloyd, movie critic for Boston Weekly, whom Oliver secretly invited for the screening. She storms out of the theater, and it’s up to Dawson to bring her back. They go out for coffee, have a heart-to-heart talk and even make out! Meanwhile, Joey is scared about her feelings towards Charlie and goes to Jen for advice. Jen says it doesn’t matter if the guy is a jerk; at the end of her life there might always be a Clifton Smalls (the new African American boyfriend of Grams). Pacey asks Audrey how many men she’s slept with, and she tests him by saying 27, then 57, when it was really only 5. Pacey passes the test and tells Audrey he’s in love with her.