Bioskop Series Dawson’s Creek Season 5 Episode 13

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Dawson’s Creek Season 5 Episode 13

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IMDB Rating: 43 votes, average 7.0 out of 10

It’s Dawson’s first day in his new film school. Oliver (the somewhat obnoxious filmmaker Dawson met on the film festival) starts showing him around and wastes no time in asking Dawson to direct a movie he wrote. Reluctant to direct someone else’s work, Dawson starts giving notes to Oliver on the script, and ends up accepting the job, thanks to Jen’s incentive. Jen, on the other hand, is having some problems of her own. Her current state of happiness from the wonderful relationship with Dawson is reflecting on her on-air performance. Now she has to go back to the sharp-tongued, edgy advices she used to give instead of the romantic, love-themed ones. Meanwhile, Elliot finally has the courage to ask Joey out, but Joey makes second plans for a gathering with professor Wilder. She makes a fake excuse not to go out with Elliot, and her evening takes an unexpected turn when she and professor Wilder kiss. Elsewhere, Jack is reprehended by his brothers for being on academic probation. Irritated