Bioskop Series Dawson’s Creek Season 5 Episode 12

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Dawson’s Creek Season 5 Episode 12

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IMDB Rating: 40 votes, average 7.0 out of 10

Dawson and Jen realize that living together is not as much fun as they hoped to be. Between ruined toothbrushes and bathroom overcrowding, they’re getting on each other’s nerves. Jen faces a new challenge at work after she turns her regular show into an advice show. She mainly gives advice to other girls with problems, and makes statements on men that hurt Dawson’s feelings. She comes home expecting a fight, but Dawson surprises her saying he won’t fight or lie or cheat on her. Meanwhile, Melanie (Pacey’s summer flame) shows up offering Pacey a job working with her uncle’s new boat around the Greek Islands. After a lot of thinking, Pacey decides not to go, since he has developed a successful life in Boston working at the Civilization. Jack moves into the fraternity house and gets his own room, but has some problems staying there after he discovers he was supposed to be rooming with another guy who felt uncomfortable living with a gay guy. And Joey decides to give Elliott Sawyer another